Secretary to the panel evaluating the technical-industrial research institutes (12820528)

  • Status: Avsluttet
  • Prosjektnr: 455366
  • Start: 20.01.2015
  • Slutt: 31.12.2015
  • Finansiering: Norges forskningsråd


The technical-industrial research institutes constitute a core element of the Norwegian R&D and innovation system. The planned evaluation of the technical-industrial research institutes in 2015 will encompass 18 units/institutes, and give a wide perspective of the institutes’ activities and framework conditions. It shall provide assessments of how the institutes perform their responsibility of supplying Norwegian commissioners with applied research, the institutes’ role in the Norwegian research system and their international collaborative activities, as well as their framework conditions.

NIFU serves as secretary to the evaluation panel appointed by the Research Council of Norway.


bilde av Liv Langfeldt

Liv Langfeldt

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