External review of ENQA’s agency review process

  • Status: Avsluttet
  • Prosjektnr: 649379
  • Start: 01.01.2019
  • Slutt: 31.12.2019
  • Finansiering: Norges forskningsråd


The project consists of running a secretariat for the evaluation of ENQAs agency review process. The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) announced an open call for tenders to commission an independent external review of the agency review process. NIFU is conducting this task. 

The evaluation addresses two questions:

  • Q1. Assess how the principles outlined in the standards of ESG Parts 2 and 3 for QA agencies are reflected in the reviews of agencies (while adapting them to the context and work of ENQA); and
  • Q2. How ENQA procedures contribute to the improvement of the quality of work in QA agencies and allow for innovative approaches to QA processes.

Overall, the review process is designed to follow in broad terms ENQAs own agency review processes, with some additions. In sum, the review process consists of the following elements:  

  • Establishing the terms of reference
  • Nomination and appointment of the expert panel
  • Documentation:
    • A self-assessment report (SAR) by ENQA, following a prescribed template that takes a starting point in ESG
    • A “user survey” to assess the role of ENQA in the development of the agencies
    • Additional documentation (including also input from EQAR)
  • Site visit to ENQA. Includes interviews with different groups of actors in the process. 
  • Preparation and completion of final report by the review panel with assistance from the technical panel secretary
  • ENQA will have an opportunity to correct factual errors in the draft report
  • Publication of the report.




bilde av Mari Elken

Mari Elken

Forsker 2, bistilling