• Status: Avsluttet
  • Prosjektnr: 2442720
  • Start: 01.01.2016
  • Slutt: 01.09.2020
  • Finansiering: EU


The EUROGRADUATE survey is a one-off pilot survey of recent graduates in eight European countries, which aims to lay the ground for a sustainable European-wide graduate survey. The participating institutions and pilot countries are: IHS in Austria, ASHE in Croatia, CHES in Czech Republic, DZHW in Germany, UPSPS in Greece, MOSTA in Lithuania, NCFHE in Malta and NIFU in Norway.

This is an exciting initiative to map the impact that experiences of European graduates during their time as students have had on their professional lives and their lives as European citizens. We want to know how happy the graduates are with their studies, how they sustained themselves, whether they travelled abroad and what they did after graduation. We will use the findings to compare different higher education systems in Europe and identify ways in which they can become better at preparing young people for the world of work and their role in society.

Research into graduate pathways is important for guiding higher education institutions in assessing and improving their programmes and teaching methods. The information also helps future students make better choices regarding their studies and career plans. Decision makers will also be better informed when making funding and legislative decisions. At European level, this data will allow us to monitor progress towards the European Education Area and identify areas that need more investment and resources.

The EUROGRADUATE consortium consists of six partners with substantial expertise in the field of HE policy analysis and research: ROA (the Netherlands, central coordinator), DZHW (Germany), IHS (Austria), DESAN (the Netherlands), cApStAn (Belgium), and GESIS (Germany). The consortium is supported by an Advisory Board and a Scientific Committee.


bilde av Kjersti Nesje

Kjersti Nesje

bilde av Liv Anne Støren

Liv Anne Støren