Scale-Up and Scale-Out Sharing Capacity for Sustainable Urban Transformation (TransScale)
- Status: Aktiv
- Prosjektnr: 2710316
- Start: 01.01.2024
- Slutt: 31.12.2026
- Finansiering: EU
Sharing goods, infrastructure, and services in urban areas is vital for reducing emissions and using scarce resources efficiently. The TransScale project (2024-2026) aims to unlock sustainable urban futures through experimentation and innovation in urban circular/sharing economy initiatives (CSE). The project explores various material flows and products such as food, construction materials, furniture, clothes, and electronics.
TransScale will develop capacities and study the roles of municipalities, NGOs and other urban stakeholders in scaling up and scaling out CSE initiatives, and on closing material loops in urban areas, through recycling and reuse, repair and reduction of materials. However, the project critically questions assumptions about the fairness and lower carbon footprint of CSE initiatives, investigating how it can embody these ideals.
The project starts with Future Literacy Laboratories looking at alternative futures for the circular/sharing economy, and critically discuss and refine these alternatives in workshops with practitioners. TransScale covers in-depth case study analysis looking at the roles, resources, power dynamics, needs, expectations, ideas, and practices of practitioners working on CSE initiatives in each country. To foster greater intersectoral and policy coordination in this field, TransScale will conduct Policy Laboratories bringing together policymakers, practitioners and researchers to discuss needs and policy options, main obstacles and success factors. Also, the project will develop a method based on life cycle assessment to study environmental impacts of the initiatives.
The project aims to leave a lasting impact on practitioner networks, academic communities and the wider public. Through targeted publication, collaboration with stakeholders, public engagement, and dissemination of practical recommendations, TransScale aims to align ideas and institutions for transformative change in urban landscapes.
Janis Brizga
Bente Støa
Jens Dorland
Michael Søgaard Jørgensen
Dzintra Atstaja
Inese Mavļutova
Baranowski Mariusz
Przemysław Pluciński