Støren, Liv AnneMark, Michael SpjelkavikMadsen, Aleksander ÅrnesOlsen, Dorothy SutherlandKlitkou, AntjeUlvestad, Marte E.S.(2020)Arbeidsmarkedet for IKT-kandidater med høyere utdanning.Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU. Rapport.
Klitkou, Antje(2012)Public sector innovation in Denmark: Country contribution for the TrendChart report on Public sector innovationunder Specific Contract for the Integration of INNO Policy TrendChart with ERAWATCH (2011-2012).ProInno Europe, INNO Policy TrendChart. Rapport.
Klitkou, Antje(2012)Innovation policy trends in Denmark.Technopolis. Rapport.
Godø, HelgeKlitkou, Antje(2011)Rammer og samfunnsanalyser - forutsetninger for Energi21s forslag til FoU-D: Rapport avgitt til Energi21.Energi21. Rapport.
Klitkou, Antje(2011)ERAWATCH Country Report 2010: Denmark.ERAWATCH-Network. Rapport.
Klitkou, Antje(2011)METRIS country report: Social sciences and Humanities in Denmark. 2010 Report.European Commission, DG Research. Rapport.
Aksnes, Dag W.Klitkou, Antje(2011)Evaluation of Earth Sciences – Publication and Citation Analysis. National Indicators and International Comparisons. Institutional Analyses.Norges forskningsråd. Norges forskningsråd. Rapport.
Klitkou, AntjeScordato, LisaIversen, Eric James(2010)Nordic energy technology scoreboard.Nordic Energy Research. Rapport.
Klitkou, Antje(2010)METRIS Country Report: Denmark. 2010 Report.European Commission DG-Research. Rapport.
Klitkou, AntjeScordato, LisaIversen, Eric James(2010)Nordic energy technology scoreboard : 2010 Concise version.Nordic Energy Research. Rapport.
Iversen, Eric JamesScordato, LisaKlitkou, Antje(2009)Nordic strategic energy technology scoreboard: Inception report.Nordic Energy Research. Rapport.
Klitkou, AntjeVerbeek, ArnoldVincent, C.Thelwall, MikeStuart, David(2009)The use of webometrics for the analysis of knowledge flows within the European Research Area. Final Report of the RINDICATE SPA6 project.IDEA Consult. Rapport.
Klitkou, Antje(2009)ERAWATCH Country Reports 2009: Denmark - Analysis of policy mixes to foster R&D investment and to contribute to the ERA.ERAWATCH Network. Rapport.
Klitkou, Antje(2009)METRIS Country Report: Denmark.Technopolis. Rapport.
Barnett, A.Pillay, GSøgnen, RandiKlitkou, Antje(2005)Review of the South Africa-Norway programme in research co-operation. Phase I and appraisal for phase II.Direktoratet for utviklingshjelp - NORAD. Direktoratet for utviklingshjelp - NORAD. Rapport.
Andersen, Allan DahlBugge, MarkusCapasso, MarcoJolly, SuyashKlitkou, AntjeSotarauta, Markku(2019)Green growth in Nordic regions: Eight case studies.Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU. Arbeidsnotat.
Klitkou, AntjeFevolden, Arne MartinCapasso, Marco(2019)Conclusions.Routledge. Bokkapittel.
Gulbrandsen, MagnusKlitkou, AntjeIversen, Eric James(2008)Influences on the commercial success of academic patents.Icfai University Press. Bokkapittel.
Andersen, Allan DahlBugge, MarkusCapasso, MarcoJolly, SuyashKlitkou, AntjeSotarauta, Markku(2021)Green growth in Nordic regions: Eight case studies.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Capasso, MarcoKlitkou, Antje(2021)Socioeconomic indicators to monitor Norway’s bioeconomy in transition.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeScordato, Lisa(2021)Green hydrogen in Norway: from path dependency to path creation for more sustainability.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2021)The sustainable transformation of social practices.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeFevolden, Arne MartinAndersen, Allan Dahl(2020)The “Grid triangle” How do we study sustainable energy transition?.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Capasso, MarcoHansen, TeisHeiberg, JonasKlitkou, AntjeSteen, Markus(2018)A synthesis of the recent scientific findings on the decoupling of environmental pressures from economic growth.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Capasso, MarcoIversen, Eric JamesKlitkou, AntjeSandven, Tore Vang(2018)Empirical Research Avenues for Regional Policy Elaboration.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Bolwig, SimonBazbauers, GatisKlitkou, AntjeLund, Peter D.Blumberga, AndraGravelsinš, Armands(2018)Modelling energy transition pathways.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Dijk, MarkIversen, Eric JamesKlitkou, AntjeKemp, ReneBolwig, SimonBorup, Mads(2017)Interaction effects in policy mixes for e-mobility: an evaluation of three countries.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Capasso, MarcoIversen, Eric JamesKlitkou, AntjeSandven, Tore Vang(2017)Empirical research avenues for regional policy elaboration.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Capasso, MarcoIversen, Eric JamesKlitkou, AntjeSandven, Tore Vang(2017)Empirical Research Avenues for Regional Policy Elaboration.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Capasso, MarcoIversen, Eric JamesKlitkou, AntjeSandven, Tore Vang(2017)Empirical Research Avenues for Regional Policy Elaboration.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Ramberg, IngeKlitkou, AntjeSolberg, Espen(2017)Social science research for sustainable energy: the importance of dedicated funding streams for knowledge production in Norway.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Gregg, JayBolwig, SimonHansen, TeisSoler, OlaAmer-Allam, Sara BenViladecans, Julia Pladevall(2016)Value chain structures that define second generation bio-refineries in Europe.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Scordato, LisaKlitkou, AntjeCoenen, Lars(2015)Coordination, timing and scale in policy mixes for sustainable transitions: the pulp and paper industry in Sweden.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Gulbrandsen, MagnusKlitkou, Antje(2015)Firms’ collaboration with domestic and foreign universities: what can co-authorship data tell us?.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeBolwig, SimonHansen, TeisNikoleris, AlexandraWessberg, Nina(2014)The role of path-dependencies in transition processes: the case of energy for road transport.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeNikoleris, AlexandraCramer-Petersen, ClausHarnes, Kristian Notland(2014)Demonstration projects in transition processes to sustainable energy and transport.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeHansen, TeisWessberg, NinaBorup, Mads(2014)Path creation in Nordic energy and road transport systems.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Upham, PaulKlitkou, AntjeOlsen, Dorothy Sutherland(2013)The Implications of Transition Management for ‘Grand Challenge’ policies: the cases of Nordic and UK biofuel research and innovation policy.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Status and recent findings from bibliometric and patent analyses - indicators of R&D on low carbon energy technology.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Classification challenges in energy indicators – general considerations.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeHolst Jørgensen, Birte(2011)The development and diffusion of renewable energy technologies in Norway and Denmark.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeCoenen, Lars(2011)The emergence of the Norwegian solar photovoltaic industry in a regional perspective.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2011)Bibliometrics for the analysis of collaboration.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2010)The emergence of the Norwegian solar photovoltaic industry.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2010)The Norwegian solar photovoltaic industry: a Triple Helix perspective.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Scordato, LisaKlitkou, AntjePedersen, Trond Einar(2010)The emergence of a “global challenge” policy priority: an analysis of Scandinavian countries’ S&T policy responses to climate change.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2009)Linkages between technical universities and industry in the enlarged Europe.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2009)Second generation biofuels - a bibliometric approach for mapping collaboration patterns.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2009)Carbon capture technological innovation system: Norway in a global context.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Scordato, LisaKlitkou, Antje(2009)Second generation bio-fuels: the emergence of a new technological innovation system in the Scandinavian countries.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeFrølich, Nicoline(2007)Collaboration of technical universities with industry - evidence from thirteen European universities.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Frølich, NicolineKlitkou, Antje(2006)Strategic management of higher education institutions: performance funding and research output.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Klitkou, AntjeHansen, Teis(2015)Læring og kommunikasjon viktig: Erfaringer med demonstrasjonsprosjekter for bærekraftig energi og transport i Skandinavia.Forskningspolitikk. Fagartikkel.
Klitkou, Antje(2014)Ny Energi21-strategi - foreløpig lite budsjettgjennomslag.Forskningspolitikk. Fagartikkel.
Klitkou, Antje(2014)The electrification of Nordic road transport.Pan European Networks: Science & Technology. Fagartikkel.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Hydrogen and fuel cells.Pan European Networks: Science & Technology. Fagartikkel.
Klitkou, Antje(2012)Lær av feil, ikke av solskinnshistorier: rapport fra en annerledes innovasjonskonferanse.Forskningspolitikk. Fagartikkel.
Klitkou, AntjeCoenen, LarsSweetman, Rachel Louise(2012)Finding Nordic transition pathways: joined-up thinking on sustainable energy and transport.Public Service Review: European Union. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel.
Klitkou, Antje(2011)Virkemidler for miljøvennlig energiteknologi.Forskningspolitikk. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel.
Klitkou, AntjeIngeborgrud, Lina(2025)Wooden construction in Norway: the role of intermediary organisations.Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2025)Social network analysis of intermediary organisations in the wooden construction innovation system of Norway.Faglig foredrag.
Svartefoss, Silje MarieKlitkou, Antje(2025)The role of board interlocks in increasing the use of wood in Norwegian construction.Faglig foredrag.
Nylen, Erkki-JussiKlitkou, Antje(2025)Digital Innovations in Wooden Construction for a Circular Economy.Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2023)Inno4Tree rapport om Medieanalyse.Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2020)Tilnærminger for å forme Bioøkonomien.Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2020)Kort sammendrag av rapporten «Socioeconomic indicators to monitor Norway’s bioeconomy in transition».Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2020)På veien til en bærekraftig og sirkulær bioøkonomi.Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2020)Måling av Norges bioøkonomi: Presentasjon av rapporten «Socioeconomic indicators to monitor Norway’s bioeconomy in transition».Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2019)GONST: System change and new path development for green growth.Faglig foredrag.
Capasso, MarcoKlitkou, Antje(2019)Socioeconomic Indicators to Monitor Norway’s Bioeconomy in Transition.Faglig foredrag.
Andersen, Allan DahlFevolden, Arne MartinKlitkou, Antje(2015)European Energy Integration and Transmission Grids: A Knowledge Networks Perspective.Faglig foredrag.
Iversen, Eric JamesKlitkou, Antje(2014)Standardization and emerging strategies to escape technological lock-in.Faglig foredrag.
Iversen, Eric JamesKlitkou, Antje(2014)Forks in the road to e mobility: Path dependency and policy choice in Scandinavia.Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Nordisk forskningssamarbeid og erfaringer fra Arenaen og TOP-NEST-prosjektet.Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport (InnoDemo).Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport (InnoDemo).Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport (InnoDemo).Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport (InnoDemo).Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2013)Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport (InnoDemo).Faglig foredrag.
Klitkou, Antje(2015)Demonstrasjonsprosjekters rolle i innovasjon: Overgangen til bærekraftig energi og transport.Norges forskningsråd. Faglig kapittel.
Klitkou, Antje(2014)Bioøkonomi i Norge.Faglig kapittel.
Klitkou, Antje(2015)Målrettet endring av innovasjonssystemer [Anmeldelse av boken: Susana Borras & Jakob Edler (eds.):The Governance of Socio-Technical Systems: Explaning Change].Forskningspolitikk. Anmeldelse.
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