Biege, SabineBorowiecki, MartinDachs, BernhardFrancois, JosephHanzl, DorisHauknes, Johan(2011)Convergence of knowledge intensive sectors and the EU's external competitiveness.DG Enterprise and Industry. Rapport.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2010)Norwegian report on pharmaceutical biotechnology.OECD. Rapport.
Hauknes, JohanKnell, Mark Stephen(2010)Modelling global innovation networks using input-output analyses (Deliverable D3.1 for Impact of Networks, Globalisation, and their Interatction with EU Strategies (INGINEUS)).European Research Area, Seventh Framework Programme, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities. Rapport.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2010)SSH8-CT-2009-225368 INGINEUS Impact of Networks, Globalisation and their Interaction with EU Strategies.Europakommisjonen. Rapport.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2010)National Innovation systems and global innovation networks (Synthesis report on the evolution of national innovation system and its relevance for the emergence of GINs) Deliverable D3.2.European Research Area, Seventh Framework Programme, Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities. Rapport.
Knell, Mark StephenNås, Svein Olav(2008)Innovation and growth in the Nordic economies (IGNOREd).Nordic Innovation Centre (NICe Report). Rapport.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2007)Uneven technological accumulation and growth in the least developed countries. The least developed countries report 2007, background paper no. 11.UNCTAD. Rapport.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2003)Technological Activity in Eastern Europe at the Turn of the Century.The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. Rapport.
Grønning, TerjeCastellacci, FulvioWibe, Mona DomaasTranøy, Bent SofusFevolden, ArneKnell, Mark Stephen(2003)Globalisation as a challenge for national innovation systems and policy.7Letras. 7Letras. Rapport.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2003)Technology Transfer through FDI in Top-10 Transition Countries: How Important are Direct Effects, Horizontal and Vertical Spillovers?.Senter for teknologi, innnovajson og kultur (TIK), UiO. Rapport.
Damijan, J. P.Knell, Mark Stephen(2005)How important is trade and foreign ownership in closing the technology gap? Evidence form Estonia and Slovenia.Review of World Economics. Vitenskapelig artikkel.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2003)The Role of FDI, R&D Accumulation and Trade in Transferring Technology to Transition Countries: Evidence from Firm Panel Data for Eight Transition Countries.Economic Systems. Vitenskapelig artikkel.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2003)How Important is Trade and Foreign Ownership in Closing the Technology Gap? Evidence from Estonia and Slovenia.Working paper - Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur (TIK), Universitetet i Oslo. Vitenskapelig artikkel.
Knell, Mark StephenStephan, Johannes(2021)Introduction to the Special Issue.Journal of the Knowledge Economy. Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review.
Vis alle publikasjoner
Knell, Mark Stephen(2022)Innovation and R&D during times of economic crisis.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Knell, Mark StephenRamberg, Inge(2012)What constitues a good research design when evaluating research and innovation policy?.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Knell, Mark Stephen(2012)Demand and Innovation in Economic Thought.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Knell, Mark StephenSrholec, Martin(2006)Innovation Cooperation and Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Innovative Firms in the Czech Republic.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Knell, Mark StephenSrholec, Martin(2006)Fragmentation, Heterogeneity and Trade within Europe.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Knell, Mark StephenSrholec, Martin(2006)Emerging Varieties of Capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Fagerberg, JanSrholec, MartinKnell, Mark Stephen(2005)The Competitiveness of Nations.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Fagerberg, JanSrholec, MartinKnell, Mark Stephen(2005)The Competitiveness of Nations.Vitenskapelig foredrag.
Knell, Mark StephenSolberg, Espen(2012)Det norske paradokset - en statistisk illusjon?.Forskningspolitikk. Fagartikkel.
Iversen, Eric JamesDachs, BernhardPoti, B.Cerulli, GiovanniSpallone, R.Patel, P. M.(2016)Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact (BERD Flows)..Faglig foredrag.
Iversen, Eric JamesDachs, B.Poti, B.Cerulli, G.Spallone, R.Patel, P. M.(2016)R&D Internationalisation in Europe.Faglig foredrag.
Capasso, MarcoKnell, Mark StephenMark, Michael SpjelkavikSolberg, EspenWilhelmsen, Lars(2020)Innovasjon i Norge og Europa.Norges forskningsråd. Faglig kapittel.
Capasso, MarcoKnell, Mark StephenMark, Michael SpjelkavikRøste, RannveigSolberg, Espen(2019) Innovasjon i Norge og Europa.Norges forskningsråd. Faglig kapittel.
Aksnes, Dag W.Foyn, FrankKnell, Mark StephenSolberg, EspenWendt, Kaja KathrineWilhelmsen, Lars(2015)Norsk FoU og innovasjon i internasjonal kontekst.Faglig kapittel.