Bibliometric indicators for the Nordic universities

  • Status: Avsluttet
  • Prosjektnr: 452719
  • Start: 01.04.2010
  • Slutt: 30.11.2011
  • Finansiering: Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon


The NORIANET network project “Bibliometric indicators for the Nordic universities” in 2010-2011 aims at developing and demonstrating bibliometric indicators at the level of the universities in the Nordic countries. As a supplement to simple international rankings of universities, it will use transparent methods and describe differences in research profiles that may explain different positions in the simple rankings. The project will serve the Nordic universities and the central research administration authorities in each country, as well as the organizations for Nordic collaboration at both levels, with a better understanding of bibliometric indicators and university rankings, and it will introduce more adequate and transparent performance indicators for the comparison of Nordic universities that can be updated from year to year in the future. All five Nordic countries are represented in the network.


bilde av Fredrik Niclas Piro

Fredrik Niclas Piro
