RelinC: The role of research, skilled labour and innovation in the Coronacrisis (21201)

Foto: AdobeStock
  • Status: Avsluttet
  • Prosjektnr: 2492767
  • Start: 01.10.2020
  • Slutt: 30.09.2023
  • Finansiering: Norges forskningsråd


How do different crises impact the pattern of innovation and why does it matter?  The RelinC project joined a growing literature to better appreciate how the innovation activities of enterprises might adapt to improve resilience during crisis. Applied to the COVID19 pandemic in Norway, the RelinC project exploited a wide range of unique data sources:

  • To assess the capability of the Norwegian economy to respond to a crisis in real time.
  • To analyze how the innovation capacity of Norwegian firms adapts during crisis individually and collectively (in terms of ‘patterns of innovation’).

This project report provides a brief overview of the project while synthesizing some of its findings.  Morgenbladet referred to and discussed the project and some of its findings .

Project Team:

  • Statistics Norway:

The synthesis builds on a set of intermediate activities that the project pursued to achieve its end:

  •  It reviewed the relevant (post-Schumpeterian economics) literature;
  •  It refined a standard taxonomy of firm-level innovation activity from this literature to better understand how economic crisis affect different types of innovative firms
  •  and it explored and further developed real-time empirical strategies that might be useful to monitor and analyze a pandemic crisis and its consequences

The interested reader can find more information about the intermediate steps using the links above (to be updated)).

Presentations from NIFU-seminar February 28: How do economic shocks impact innovation and why does it matter?


bilde av Eric James Iversen

Eric James Iversen

Forsker 1

bilde av Tore Vang Sandven

Tore Vang Sandven

Forsker 2, pensjonist

bilde av Erik Fjærli

Erik Fjærli

bilde av Marina Rybalka

Marina Rybalka

bilde av Espen Solberg

Espen Solberg