Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport (InnoDemo) (12820295)

  • Status: Avsluttet
  • Prosjektnr: 452847
  • Start: 02.01.2013
  • Slutt: 31.01.2015
  • Finansiering: Norges forskningsråd


This project will provide key insights on the role trial and demonstration projects can play in improving the development and diffusion of innovations and accelerating transition processes. It concentrates on demonstration projects and trials for sustainable transport and energy solutions in Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The project is a collaborative effort between NIFU, Lund University and DTU, to facilitate a broad approach, multi-disciplinary expertise and access to local knowledge and stakeholder networks.

The aim of this project is to gain a better understanding of the main outcomes, effects and impacts of demonstration and trial projects.
We pose the following research questions:

  • What are the main contributions of Scandinavian demonstration and trial projects and programmes to sustainable energy and transport transitions?
  • How should the governance of such projects and programmes be developed to further support their contribution?

The project is organized in five work packages:

WP1: Demonstration and trial projects – state of the art study
WP2: Inventory of demonstration and trial projects
WP3: Outcomes of demonstration and trial projects
WP4: Effects and impact of demonstration and trial projects
WP5: Policy brief and recommendations


bilde av Antje Klitkou

Antje Klitkou

Forsker 1

bilde av Dorothy Sutherland Olsen

Dorothy Sutherland Olsen

Forsker 1

bilde av Claus Cramer-Petersen

Claus Cramer-Petersen

bilde av Alexandra Nikoleris

Alexandra Nikoleris

bilde av Arne Fevolden

Arne Fevolden

bilde av Mads Borup

Mads Borup

bilde av Per Dannemand Andersen

Per Dannemand Andersen

bilde av Teis Hansen

Teis Hansen

bilde av Lars Martel Antoine Coenen

Lars Martel Antoine Coenen