Technology Opportunities in Nordic Energy System Transitions (TOP-NEST)
- Status: Avsluttet
- Prosjektnr: 406949
- Start: 01.08.2011
- Slutt: 31.10.2015
- Finansiering: Nordisk Energiforskning
This four-year research project is initiated and funded by Nordic Energy Research (Nordisk Energiforskning) as part of the Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 research funding programme. It is led by NIFU, the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education, along with Nordic partners from Lund University, The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland.
To meet 2050 energy and climate policy goals, a major transition is required in the Nordic region. Indeed, changing energy and transport systems may require fundamental social changes. Industrial actors and policy makers will need insights and analyses to help guide their decision-making throughout this process; and, these analyses will have to take account of concerns of environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness.
The TOP-NEST project has developed an approach that addresses this challenge, by clarifying the current situation, and identifying the most promising pathways for towards more sustainable systems.
The project seeks to:
– guide industrial strategies and governments in making the transition to sustainable Nordic energy and transport systems towards 2050
– enhance the competitive position of Nordic industries in the international market for clean technologies

Nina Wessberg

Jay Gregg

Lars Nilsson

Lars Martel Antoine Coenen
Arne Martin Fevolden

Simon Bolwig